2 more days and it is July..desperately wish now today is 28th of September..haha..cause my last day of internship will be 30th of September..anyhow, it's still a long way to go ><
Had a wonderful weekend with darling ~ watched 财神客栈 (damn funny la..classical speech from the movie : 波大补脑 XD ) and also Green Lantern in 3D ~ shopped for some clothes ~ ate siam laksa, laksa, curry mee, prawns, cendol pulut, char koey tiow, mee rebus, wan tan mee, zhu cheong fun, Tao's buffet, home cooked dishes ~ now only i realized we makan banyak la WAKAKA
both of us just busy eating..forget to capture those food XD
On saturday morning, we went for photo shooting at lake garden and waterfall..lots of nice photos were captured !!
this photo really leng
Had a great photo session with darling..and also adrian jin and hn..specially thanks to adrian for his DSLR..it made me feel my canon very noob lo..zzz..for more photos, please visit my facebook profile =)